early 1978 | age 9 This is a part of the film with the Dianoga creature which we never saw. So much for: “I don’t know, it just let go of me and disappeared…” Nah. Borrrring. Bring on the gore![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Version 1
early 1978? | 9/10 years old It’s a multi-coloured one today, readers. And with a special guest star! Name that Actor! Once again rivaling Lon Chaney Sr. as the Man of a Thousand Faces, Luke reminds me of some old[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
116: “You’ve cut-off our only escape route!”
c.1977 & 1978? | age 9 & 10? This is a messy but funny looking page. But then, it’s not like… MARK HAMILL’s gonna see it. Is he? Neil Baker—reader and unpaid publicist for SWa9—used his one opportunity to Tweet[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
early 1978 | age 9 Beautiful—are you sure? “……YOUR MORE BEUTIFULL THAN I THOUGHT” One of the first attempts to extol Leia’s beauty! 9 or 10 year old boys really don’t have much of an appreciation of the opposite sex’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1977?/1978 | age 9 That’s it. Make sure she’s dead before you even rescue her. Luke’s nose looks a bit sideways? Like an Irish TV newsreader (or is that just their weird lighting? I’ve never been able to decide). Cor,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
108: “You’ll make a space pirate yet!”
early-mid 1978 | age 9-10 Here… how come Han says ‘Space Pirate’? Isn’t he a smuggler? I wonder where that originated. I mean, he may be somewhat criminal, but I don’t think he boards other people’s ships and robs them. Blammo! The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
early-mid 1978 | age 9-10 This is probably one of the 2 or 3 funniest scenes in the whole film. I missed out some of the best lines though: “Well…. uh, more wealth than you can imagine!” says Luke—to which[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1978 | age 9-10 Today we’re still in early 1978. And we get another of my favourites! This is when Star Wars really takes off for me, when Solo shows his true colours and refuses to get involved in any rescue[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Old and wobbly. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that I drew these ones. They’re so weird looking! George was going show the kids this, in 1977! – until the studio reined him in Punc-tua’tion! Again, I begin to doubt that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Art (?) Notes “BEN KENOBI JEDI-NIGHT” This most juvenile of all of the pages must have been drawn in December 1977 – or very early 1978. I’m astonished at just how rudimentary the drawing is! You could be forgiven for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…