About the Unique World of Star Wars age 9
In July 2009 I started to put it all online–bit by bit. Namely: all of the Star Wars comic I drew (drawed?) between 1977 and c.1983. Making it a 21st Century WebComic; and over 4 decades old. It’s a Resurrection! It got some fans and some nice reviews> online. It was even given a full page in Spain’s leading cinema magazine>!

Above: In all of its ragged, 4 decades old, 185 page glory. Before it was signed by Kenny Baker
The Spark!

What’s that insignia on Darth Vador’s arm? Is he a biker?
My parents seem to have saved much of it enroute to the bin! This was a joyful discovery in mid-2009 when my dad handed me a bag of old drawings that he’d kept up in his wardrobe. Since then, their attic has revealed more: crumpled, partially eaten by silverfish and worse – covered in bird droppings.
Other Finds
Hundreds more drawings unearthed in archaeological digs in mum and dad’s attic. Mostly of Star Wars including the very first ones that I dashed onto paper, on the sitting room floor, the minute I got home from the cinema having seen it for the first time.
It’s funny to see the details I vividly remembered and others that I had to invent. It was all a bit visually overwhelming for a 9 year old I suppose!
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