Age 14/15/16? | 1982/83? Han’s relishing the prospect of impressing Leia And it looks as if Chewie is too. Look at the grin on him! If we could see his hands, he’d be rubbing them together. Art Notes That Imperial[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged space
Age 14/15/16? | 1982/83? Ooh… grumpy! Somebody needs to relax the kacks. Art Notes There’s some really nice drawing in this page, especially panel 1, which was obviously copied form Al Williamson—again! Well, if you’re going to copy, copy from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Age 14/15/16? | 1982/83? Rookie comic artist mistake! Art Notes Maybe they did throw Leia out the airlock! On this page I was really really really trying to be as good as Marvel artist Al Williamson—by copying, of course! I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Age 13/14/15? | 1981/82/83? Imperial flippin’ Walkers—at last. And they’re sparkly too! It’s 6:30am Just after the cornflakes and tea. How does that work in Star Wars though? How long are the days on Hoth? Can you even say, Luke[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
17: “Start the Evacuation!”
Age 13/14/15? | 1981/82/83? Anxiety increases on echo base as does the potential for ‘toilet humour’ . Script Notes Very Silly “That droid’s Imperial, we’d better evacuate. Start the evacuation!” “Oh, I think I already have. “Master Luke, it’s good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Age 14? / 1983? The planet Hoth, as autographed by Kenneth (Admiral Piett) Colley! Autographed Page Up until a few years ago in Ireland we had a pretty regular staging of the INVASION events, featuring the costumed Emerald Garrison—and!—actors and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1982/83? | age 13/14? BLAMMO! The Death Star goes Super-Freaking-Nova. I take no credit for the visuals in this, or half of the text—it was copied from Marvel. I did put in some stupid dialogue though 😀 So, I suppose[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1982/83? | age 13/14? Luke must have caused panic and terror down at the rebel base, by turning off his targeting computer—just as the Death Star is about to fire! But I suppose he’ll be OK no matter whether he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1982/83? | age 14/15? This ‘Sith Gods’ line is one which I think only ever appeared in the Marvel Comic There are Gods in Star Wars? Apparently so, and even the evil Sith ones will smile on you on occasion.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1982/84? | age 14/15? I loved the sound of Vader saying “I’ll take him myself” on the audio tape segment that I recorded from the BAFTA awards show—in 1978? I would no doubt have still been thinking of that as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…