Age 13/14/15? | 1981/82/83? Imperial flippin’ Walkers—at last. And they’re sparkly too!

It’s 6:30am
Just after the cornflakes and tea. How does that work in Star Wars though? How long are the days on Hoth? Can you even say, Luke is 16 years old? Do they use ‘Standard Galaxy Time?’
Hey, nice typographic flourish, young me! See where it says ‘read on—’ in fancy joiney-uppy writing? I did that at least once before, in my ‘Star Wars’ comic adaptation. «And here it is. It’s that Epilogue bit, or as I pronounced it as a kid: Ee-pillow-jee.
Art Notes

Ooh—shiny! Says a… big rabbit?
Hey, is that… Jaxxon the giant Star Wars rabbit? Or are rebels taking to fancy-dressing whist in duty?

‘Jaxxon’, from the first follow-up comic story to Marvel’s adaptation of ‘Star Wars’
Hey, check out the glass (force-shield) bubble around the rebel’s giant gun. There’s something a little bit ALIEN-ey about it. The production design on ALIEN was a big influence on me. And it was hugely influenced by Star Wars. Ridley Scott loved the grimy, beaten-up, second-hand-look of it. Anyway, I digress…
I wonder if many people will see today’s page? Hardly anyone usually does, and today it’s up against the first ‘Solo‘ movie trailer! Enjoy this page and the Solo trailer Star Wars fans.
I’d love to read your comments below!
As a kid, I remember thinking walkers were something new in the Star Wars universe, probably since they were new to me as a viewer. That’s why they didn’t seem to know their armor would be too strong for their blaster cannons. The prequels and Rogue One show walkers were common for years before ESB, but even at the time I think they were something the rebels expected. What I think must have been new, though, was the stronger armor. This would explain what the troops were doing in the trenches. If they thought snowspeeders and turrets would be able to knock walkers down, the snowtroopers would have had to attack on foot, giving the individual rebel soldiers something to shoot at, instead of being gunned down by intact walkers as they were.
Hi Phil.
Yes, I probably thought they were new too. Didn’t the rebel commander say, “Imperial Walkers” though?
Did you ever notice how after one of the Walkers falls, snowspeeders fly in, shoot and blast the crap out it? Does that make any sense when they weren’t able to do it previously?
Yet another Imperial weak spot! Or Vader triggered a self destruct button out of disgust at their poor performance. I like to think the walker had a skintight deflector shield that shorted out when it hit the ground.
Sounds plausible that the shield cut-out, Phil. I hadn’t thought of shields. But check out the next page…
By the way Phil, everytime I see your avatar photo it immediately registers as a golden labrador! (even thought it isn’t)
I love labs’ faces.