19: The Walkers Attack!
Age 13/14/15? | 1981/82/83? Imperial flippin’ Walkers—at last. And they’re sparkly too!
Script & Art Notes
That rebel commander guy is really terrified, isn’t he? And what’s that gibberish he’s saying? “Comin’in at point zero three!” I don’t know if that means anything but it sounds all sort of military and spacey.
Oh wait, here’s why he’s terrified:
Yeah, I don’t think I’d fancy getting turned into a burning skeleton either!
Here come the boys in blue! Is that a soccer-fan chant? Sounds like it.
There doesn’t seem to be anything here that’s directly lifted from the Marvel comic, Storybook or photos in the Novelisation. But the Walkers are very accurately drawn. I wonder where I got the visual references? Did I have all the Marvel Comic adaptation but chose to just do it all my own way? Looks as if I did. I like that. It’s much more creative.
I think this panel is quite cute looking:
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Shields make the most sense, since hits from rebel cannons don’t even leave a mark on ’em 🙂