c.1982/83 | age 14? Leia grabs Han’s blaster and takes the initiative. I’m sorry the updates have been infrequent lately, readers. I know that I shouldn’t make excuses, but I’ve had an awful lot on my plate.

Big mouth Luke Skywalker comic image!

Big mouth Luke!

Art Notes

Another huge mouth, this time on Luke! Was I really getting into the feel of it and pushing things expressively? Maybe, but then again, I was also doing that when I was 9 or 10 (« big mouth Han) and that was certainly no accident due to inexperience. It must have been intentional for expressive purposes. In this one, I’m probably around 14 or maybe even 15, but I’m clearly still enjoying Howard Chaykin‘s old 1977 adaptation for Marvel comics which I first read maybe 6 years earlier when I was 9!

howard chaykin's version

Howard Chaykin’s Marvel Treatment, 1977

My favourite thing in this page is the 2nd panel. I love the juxtaposition of Luke anxiously screaming down the line at Threepio—followed by Solo, who has his back to us whilst dealing with the situation, but nonetheless defeatedly uttering

—Star Wars age 9

I wonder what his facial expression is? Who knows? It’s all left to the reader’s imagination!

And look: Leia takes Solo’s blaster—not Luke’s one!
