096: “Chewie, get your toe outa my ear!”
c.1983?|age 13/14? I’ve published this page on a Tuesday, readers. Not on the usual, regular Mon | Weds | Fri. Simply because this one wouldn’t have been worth the wait until Wednesday.

Knock-kneed stormtrooper—left

I still need to «go to the loo!
There’s a glued-in pic from Niall F’s Star Wars Storybook. It was very exciting to be given that. And he gave me «this one too) —from the same book. What a pal eh? I always smiled to see the knock-kneed Stormtrooper on the left. Do you see him there? I did sometimes wonder if it was a woman in that armour. And do you know what? It’s not beyond the realms of possibility. After all, for some shots of Greedo, instead of putting Paul Blake in the costume there was another actor—a woman. I offer you a photo of Greedo—exhibit A: right. I’ll illuminate you on that, further down the page. Let’s just say I have inside information.
The actual drawn image features a line that I think came from the Radio Adaptation. Oh, how exciting it was when that came on air! I recorded it and listened to it many times.
The so-called hidden compartment covers are a bit well, obvious!—don’t you think? The design was copied from Howard Chaykin’s Marvel comic adaptation. The ones in the film were less conspicuous.
Even if the troopers were too blind to spot the panels, they’d be likely trip over them!
Star Wars Convention Tales 2: Meeting Paul Blake

Paul ‘Greedo’ Blake at INVASION (April 2011). A very funny bloke. (Full Blog Article on this coming soon)
On Easter Sunday 2011 I met, among other original cast members, Paul Blake. He was one of—I think—three people who played the small part of Greedo. It might have been a small part but my goodness, did that scene become «controversial when the first notorious Special Edition appeared. (We also met Garrick Hagon! See here»)
“So what about the high heels?”
“Oh, that’s just Mondays and Wednesdays”
We barely discussed anything Star Wars related, but I did query him about those photos of Greedo in high-heels. Paul replied casually, “Oh, that’s just on Mondays and Wednesdays” with a cheeky grin. He did oblige me with a proper explanation—more later—and he «autographed my 1978 ‘«Han Shooting Greedo page‘. Very nice. I also managed to get the poor chap to pose with the comic (above). I suppose you know never know what some weird fans will do if you refuse their requests.

Paul’s autograph. «See the whole page
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