c.1983? | age 14/15? The circle is complete and some of the lines are even straight! I was really getting the hang of drawing in this one. I bet I was at least 15 years old. My God—I even used[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Stormtroopers
c.1983? | age 15? Some stormtroopers still can’t hit a barn door, or even a blast door, it seems! Han/Harrison Ford makes that risky leap through the Death Star blast doors. In a few decades time Ford will not be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1978 |age 9/10 Han has to make the leap through the blast doors! Hey, do you think he should have been called ‘Hands Solo’? Or, ‘Hands So-big’? You might miss it, but that’s Chewie’s lower leg just vanishing though the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983 | age 13/14? Multi-coloured action today readers. If only it was a whole page! Art Notes: In Glorious Crayon-A-Scope! “@ * I T + + +” (Asterix-inspired dialogue?) Not much to offer you today fans. Sorry about that. Still,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983? | age 14? It’s the big swashbuckler-style swing across the chasm! And it looks very like Howard Chaykin’s version. Hmmm… But if only I’d better understood the ‘direction-of-action’ in my panels. Art Notes: Howard Chaykin & Me FRIPP —[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983 | age 14/15? Luke and Leia flee the stormtroopers — holy canted angles Batman! This’ll be a short post today. The «previous one was long, with lots of text and graphical content, but I don’t think many people even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
141: “They’ve run into a dead end!”
early 1978 | age 9/10? One of my favourite pages—of one of my favourite movie scenes! Han Solo bravely chases the stormtroopers into a dead-end! Chewie’s reminiscent of a Bespin Ugnaut. There’s a nice drawing of Luke in panel 5,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
early-mid 1978? | age 9/10? Well… looky here boys, we got ourselves one a them there Shape-Shifters! The ever changing actors of SWa9! Art Notes Consistency Shape-shifting actors, revisions at various times, blue biro, black biro… How much fun would[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
139: “Then it’s a wonder you’re still alive.”
c.early 1979? | age 10/11? There’s not much in this incomplete page today readers, but that’s how it goes at Star Wars age 9. What’s done is done. I can’t go back and change it now. Or at least: I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
138: “Luke, get the Princess back to the ship!”
early 1978? | age 9/10? Does Solo feel like he has a duty of care when he says “Luke get the Princess back to the ship”, or does he just want to shift the valuable cargo on-board asap, so he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…