early 1978 | age 9 More figure drawing tips for beginners! That’s right, would be students of art: pay close attention to this page, if you have your hearts set on drawing the human figure like a beginner. Art Notes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged explosions
early 1978 | age 9/10? Yes readers, it’s the most spectacular rendition of a duel in movie and comic history! It’s Ben Kenobi versus Darth Vader as you’ve never ever seen it before! Gnork! Art Notes: Now that’s more like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983? | age 15? Some stormtroopers still can’t hit a barn door, or even a blast door, it seems! Han/Harrison Ford makes that risky leap through the Death Star blast doors. In a few decades time Ford will not be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1978 |age 9/10 Han has to make the leap through the blast doors! Hey, do you think he should have been called ‘Hands Solo’? Or, ‘Hands So-big’? You might miss it, but that’s Chewie’s lower leg just vanishing though the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983 | age 13/14? Multi-coloured action today readers. If only it was a whole page! Art Notes: In Glorious Crayon-A-Scope! “@ * I T + + +” (Asterix-inspired dialogue?) Not much to offer you today fans. Sorry about that. Still,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983? | age 14? It’s the big swashbuckler-style swing across the chasm! And it looks very like Howard Chaykin’s version. Hmmm… But if only I’d better understood the ‘direction-of-action’ in my panels. Art Notes: Howard Chaykin & Me FRIPP —[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
c.1983 | age 14/15? Luke and Leia flee the stormtroopers — holy canted angles Batman! This’ll be a short post today. The «previous one was long, with lots of text and graphical content, but I don’t think many people even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
141: “They’ve run into a dead end!”
early 1978 | age 9/10? One of my favourite pages—of one of my favourite movie scenes! Han Solo bravely chases the stormtroopers into a dead-end! Chewie’s reminiscent of a Bespin Ugnaut. There’s a nice drawing of Luke in panel 5,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
138: “Luke, get the Princess back to the ship!”
early 1978? | age 9/10? Does Solo feel like he has a duty of care when he says “Luke get the Princess back to the ship”, or does he just want to shift the valuable cargo on-board asap, so he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
125: “Women!”
early 1978 | age 9 or 10 Finally—finally! – we’re nearing the trash compactor scene. And look at panel 2, you’ll notice that it’s not just the enemy who are rubbish shots. Art Notes “GO ON PRINCESS” “HMPH” —Star Wars age 9[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…