059: Smouldering Piles
Early-mid 1978 | 9 years old This is one of my favourite pages in the whole comic with loads of colour!
Engage VTO!
I reflect on the late Irvin Kershner, vertical-take off/Anti-Gravity, gruesome charred bodies, and burning piles. Ouch! But first…
Irvin Kershner: Farewell

The Late Kirsch, and a friend
Poor Irvin Kershner died last Monday (original article, Nov, 2010). When I was young I watched one of the ‘Man Called Horse‘ films. But only because it was directed by the mystery man hired to direct the forthcoming SW sequel. I really enjoyed it.
He seems to have been a lovely, funny, thoughtful fellow. If you haven’t listened to his commentary track on the old ESB DVDs, you should. It’s really interesting and refreshing. Inspirational actually. And the affection with which he remarks on the characters is really touching. Perhaps that’s why most fans love the second Star Wars film most of all.
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Art Notes
“It consisted mostly of an entrance rampway and an enormous pit gouged from the rocky soil. This served as clearance radii from the effects of the simple antigrav drive which boosted all spacecraft clear of the gravitational field of the planet.
The mathematics of spacedrive were simple enough even to Luke.”
—1977 Novelisation, Alan Dean Foster
Vertical take-off planes were so exciting in the 1970s! Who needs anti-gravity when you’ve got Harrier Jump-Jets?
We’re still in late 1977/early ’78 readers. And if you ever wondered how that Landspeeder floats? – you now have the answer. Not any of that anti-gravity stuff but a load of jets underneath. Whooooosh!
You won’t believe this – or maybe you will! – but it was only a year ago when I re-read the novel that I realised that the space-ships in Star Wars actually use anti-gravity! Maybe I knew 30 years ago but it was a surprise to me. Funny really, because how else could they do what they do – with such ease – in the films? It also makes me wonder why the AT-AT Walkers even need to walk? Anyway, since I forgot about it, it’s always just seemed like some silly far-fetched concept. The kind of thing you’d only get in lesser Sci-Fi. You know, like Star Trek.
Loads of rich colour in this page. Doesn’t Luke appear to run right past the remains of his relatives. How could he miss them?
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Narrative Notes
You need Preparation H mate!
Luke’s wails in agony. There’s nothing quite so bad as smouldering piles is there?
Charred Bodies

Gruesome! Owen and Beru’s burning remains
On a serious note: did any of you ever think that the two charred bodies looked a bit – wrong for Star Wars? I’m not sure if it’s because they look – to me – a bit silly; or too horrific and explicit. We’ve seen his uncle and aunt alive and now suddenly there are these odd looking charred skeletons – almost improbably – lying face-down outside their front door. Admittedly, by today’s standards – with those ridiculous CSI shows on TV – it’s tame. I mean we don’t dive into their glistening, bloody eye sockets and feast on the gore. But it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t mind the bloody arm-slicing in the Cantina (though it was shocking in ’77), so maybe it’s just crudely executed, a bit lame and undignified looking.
Text Alterations
“Aunt Beru!
Uncle Ben Owen”
See the way the text was altered on this page? Originally Ben was in the speeder with Luke as they sped off, but later,”OK, stay and wait (Ben)” was added, and Ben’s own speech bubble was modified to make it come from out of frame. All very confusing I admit! Can you figure it out?
Also, notice how I originally copied Marvel by having Luke call out, “Aunt Beru—Uncle Ben!” I later changed it with black marker to Uncle Owen. (Darren Slade mentions this error in the comments below someone on the Star Wars Weekl Comic letters page pointed out that mistake).
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(worm's-eye view of the underside of Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder)
"C'mon" shouts Luke, as he hits the thrusters beneath the landspeeder. They power up and shoot jets of something or other to the ground—like a vertical take-off aircraft or hovercraft.
"It's too dangerous, Luke" Ben Kenobi warns.
"OK, stay and wait" replies Luke, before speeding away.
We see the Lars homestead in flames. Luke has jumped from the landspeeder and is running into the inferno, shouting, "Aunt Beru! Uncle Ben/Owen."
(CU on Luke)
'Then he sees two smouldering piles which had once been human beings.'
"No! Nooo." he wails.
I like the steampunk landspeeder 😆
Say what you like about ol’ wimpy Luke, but he just ran straight into an inferno. Looks like the homestead became an igloo too.
But hey, I’m not ragging on the artwork – it’s a lot of fun 🙂
I love these old ones. This is the stuff that reminds me of how magical it was to be a wide-eyed excited kid despite being in a grey ’70s Ireland.
The colour – the colour. I wish I could have been arsed to colour everything.
Holy @#$%! Did the Stormtroopers napalm bomb the Lars homestead? It looks the fiery depths of hell! Poor Luke. You really drove this point home by one upping Lucas! LOL
Arf arf” Good one Rod!
“More is… MORE” right?
I always thought the charred bodies of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen looked off because, well, HOW did those stormtroopers DO that?! Did they burn them to death?! Blasters just didn’t seem capable, and even if they just lit the house on fire, it seems unlikely that they would have fully burnt AFTER crawling out of the firey hole in the ground. It would have made more sense for the actors to simply lay there with some of those precise blaster shots Ole Ben was talking about!
I know. A LOT of stuff in the film could have been executed better. They were made up for with great music, effects and skillful editing methinks!
I just remember thinking when first sitting in theaters –in..what, ’98?–when the Special Edition came out (first time I recall seeing Star Wars) and wondering how blasters did that to people!
My guess is a thermal detonator, or repeated blaster fire.
I seem to remember the Marvel comic had Luke calling “Uncle Ben!” in this scene. Someone wrote in to Star Wars Weekly pointing out the error.
I just checked Darren – you’re right!