154: “I can’t believe he’s gone…”
c.1978/79? | age 10/11? Look. There is Luke. See Luke. Luke is being sad.
Oh, Boo-hoo!
Luke—now played by Anthony Perkins—is grief-stricken at Ben’s death. But—but—but… what about Leia, and her entire planet and family being destroyed? Well, more on that further down this article.
“Hold on tight kiddies! Co’s here (we) go!”
Sigh… finely written litritchure. The true mark of any civilised society.
—Star Wars age 9
Art Notes
The stars are streaking a bit around the Falcon. Is it jumping into Hyperspace already? Apparently so. But what about the T.I.E. Fighter attack, won’t we get to see that? Will they just fly straight to Yavin 4 without a hitch? Ho ho! You’ll have to wait and see, readers.
I seem to have gone to great care replicating my favourite Luke hairstyle in this one. The one I wanted most as a kid was in one poster in particular, of the many posters which hung on my bedroom walls. It was pulled out of Star Wars Weekly comic, and here it is:
I’d sometimes borrow my sister’s hairdryer—a risky endeavour—and try to style my hair like Luke’s in this poster. It was the bits at the back, that curled up, which I most wanted to have! I’d have to lock my door until I’d finished the job. If you’re interested, I actually did a couple of grown-up pages on my semi-autobiographical 1970s period webcomic called Between * Wars—which you can find here and here! That’s right, I can actually draw new stuff!
But back to this webcomic: The corners of Luke’s mouth are drawn in the turned down position—Perkins-like—so that means he’s very very sad. Or plotting to torture more Womprats. Like a psycho. Like Norman Bates. And we seem to be looking over Chewie’s shoulder. The great thing about being a kid, is that when you draw anything, you can ignore logic and just stick things wherever you like. Yay! Luke’s at the < Dejarik space-chess table, but he’s still somehow directly behind the pilots’ seats. Also, I just put windows wherever took my fancy. If Star Wars age 9 happens to end up being the only version left of ‘Star Wars’ after the nuclear holocaust, then good luck to the alien visitors when they use it as a reference to try to remake the movie and rebuild the sets! “I tell you Zargon—these drawings make no sense!”
“I—I—I can’t believe he’s gone.”
“There was nothing you could have done Luke.”
“I know, it’s just *sniff* just that it seemed like only a few hours ago that we met.”
“Uh, yeah, and it was only a few hours ago that my whole family, all my people and my entire planet was blown up and—”
“I can’t believe Ben’s gone. I remember the things he used to do. (Luke forces a wistful smile) Like the way he folded his arms when we were on that cliff and how he said ‘excuse me, I must briefly away to the gentlemen’s convenience’ when he went to the bathroom in the Cantina…”
“My whole planet. Do you see me whinging about—?”
“…and how he’d put one foot forward and then the other and then the other, when he walked. Oh, memories.”
“Yep, at least you have those Luke. AGH!”
Another of those bits of screen writing you just watch unquestioningly when you’re a kid. How will Luke ever shake off his grief? What coping mechanism will he employ— « again?
Maybe he’ll shoot some helpless animals like a psycho? Or… something else?
That brown lump is either the back of Solo’s head, or the fabled Giant Truffle of Neimoidia.
Considering your distaste for the prequels and the ever-growing onslaught of ‘canon’ being invented to justify the madness of King George, I can only assume it is the space pirate.
“Giant Truffle of Neimoidia” Brilliant! You’ll probably now tell me to look it up and I’ll find that it really is a SW character! But that’s ridiculous… oh wait: Dexter Jettser, Nute GunRay… oh right :-*
Strangely enough Neil I could not find any entry for “the fabled Giant Truffle of Neimoidia”. How could Lucas have missed the opportunity for such a merchandising Icon? 😉
It also sounds like a Robert E. Howard Story, from a forgotten volume of Weird Tales. 😮
Once Again; Way to comfort the princess, who just lost her entire world Luke! 😛
George is copyrighting it as we speak. Look out for it in the 3D release.
Yes, many fans find Luke a weak, whiny character. I still like him actually. As always I’m impressed by how SW compresses so much into a small space of time without too much concern for emotional continuity – and just about pulls it off. Perhaps I’m used to it – maybe I was prepped for it as a 9 year old and now find it smoothly watchable without being too distracted by these faults and plot holes?
John, I’m going to a convention in about a month to meet the Hannahs, (VA Comicon) and take a much needed short family vacation. 🙂
My kids were disappointed when I told them we could not also go to Ireland to meet the Star Wars comic guy there. 😥
Just thought I’d send along the sentiment of some of your youngest fans. 😉
Hiya Tom!
Well, you did it again: you made my day.
Thanks so much and give the kids a hug from all of us.
PS: Reminds me, I better keep the comic clean!
johnny is great!!
footballers are
our favrit champs 2011 😛 😡 😳 :-* 😉 😀 :sigh: 😮 😆 🙂