22: Luke’s Snowspeeder is Shot Down
Age 13/14/15? | 1981/82/83? Cor… this is another action-crammed, snowspeeder-exploding page. You can really tell how much I wanted to be a comics artist when I grew up!
Script & Art Notes
There’s no comedy potential in this page at all. I’m guessing that I was older—14 or 15?—and taking things more seriously. There isn’t even any silly dialogue in it! On the one hand, I’ve no need to be embarrassed by any of it—but on the other hand, there’s not as much fun for you!
You can tell how seriously I was taking things artistically even just from the fact that I used a ruler on the laser beams. A ruler—in Star Wars age 9—What the..? I wonder if I’d seen some other film that had fancy looking laser beams with multiple lines in them? I recall that the Flash Gordon movie had very fancy ones indeed, but not like this. They almost looked like ropes, or plaits.

Ooh… fancy: using a ruler! (for a change)
I’d obviously seen the awesome Marvel adaptation when I did this. There’s loads of stuff copied from Al Williamson’s brilliant artwork. I cannot stress just how awed and excited I was by his artwork in on the Empire Strikes Back adaptation. It was so realistic and beautiful looking—even in Black and White, which was all we could get in the UK versions as sold in Ireland. The drawings seem to just drip with light.

1 of at least 3 panels copied form Al Williamson’s Marvel comic version
All in all, a pretty exciting page, but I had plenty of inspiration to draw upon!
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