Introducing: Disco Force mini-comic
Age 10/11 1979/1980? You didn’t ask for it but here it is anyway: the most God-awful Star Wars comic ever made.
I was ‘inspired’ to publish this sooner than I intended, due to the sudden surprise return to the studio of ABBA—that most 1970s of musical phenomena.
I wasn’t sure if I ever would publish it, because I recalled it being so cringe-makingly awful. This was confirmed yesterday when I re-read it, in-between frequent wincing.
But, I posted the cover into my pal (film concept designer, Star Wars fan, Rebel Force Radio contributor and friend of the late Ralph McQuarrie *gasp*inhale*) Paul Bateman’s tweet about ABBA, and next thing I knew, Roger Christian saw and retweeted it. Yes, the Roger Christian So, without wishing to imply that Paul or Roger are legally—or criminally— responsible in any way, I decided to publish and be damned! Feck it, it’ll be fun.
Coming tomorrow, Monday, 30th April 2018
While I’m posting things on your comics, I wonder if you’ve heard this?
From the Xbox Kinect Star Wars game a few years ago…
It’s great to have star wars and disco in your head at the same time, Dan! So 70s.
“It’s great to be in the Empire today”
But my work environment is all painted grey