016: We Meet Biggs! “That’s no battle, Luke”
As «Autographed by Garrick ‘Biggs‘ Hagon, April 2011! In another deleted scene from the film, we meet Biggs Darklighter. Is that derived from Biggles – fictional British WWI fighter ace?—or from some physical attr… never mind.

Graced by the «autograph of Garrick Hagon, Biggs Darklighter himself!
Art Notes: a little ambiguity!
—Star Wars age 9
It’s funny, this page elicited an interesting response from one reader last year on the old site:
“Are Biggs and and Luke kissing? I guess they are supposed to be hugging, or were you going in a new direction?”
I mean, just who is kissing who? And have a look at the ‘Love hearts’—was I kidding? Do you think Stan Lee would have approved that visual device if I’d submitted it to him at Marvel Comics? Very funny. You know, I actually showed this to Garrick Hagon himself and he was very amused—“What? (laughs) No wait—that’s Fixer and Camie!” It was great to show it to him and give him a laugh. I was also very impressed that I knew their names!
I don’t like the artwork in this page to be honest: just look at Luke’s face in the bottom left panel. But it is funny! The other thing that surprises me about it though, is that it is quite like the deleted movie footage, which is amazing considering that I’d never seen it. The second panel here, with Luke entering the room is uncannily similar. And it wasn’t even in Howard Chaykin’s version. I can’t think where else I could have got a photo reference of it.

Howard Chaykin’s Marvel comic adaptation – 1977 (larger view)
You can see once again that I had to turn to Marvel for references. Also, notice that Fixer’s girlfriend in the Marvel version refers to Luke as Wormie. In this deleted movie scene, and in the novelisation and radio series, Luke seems as if he’s the youngest one of the whole gang – and the butt of all the jokes. It gives a added depth to his character, makes us more sympathetic to him and sets him nicely for his transformation into the hero. Much as Solo shooting Greedo did. Hmm… did. Little do they know how much space travel and adventure really are in his blood!
Film Notes

I was lucky enough to meet Garrick Hagon (Biggs) – and Paul Blake (Greedo) in Easter 2012, and show them the comic. Warm natured, funny men—quite the double-act!

The ridiculous Zapp Brannigan – by M. Groening
This is another Tatooine scene with Luke and his friends which slows the film down quite a bit, see the footage here, as does the follow-up scene with Luke and Biggs that slows it even more. The Biggs on Tattooine scenes are actually some of the best ones in the radio series. In the film Garrick Hagon‘s performance was reminiscent of an old-fashioned, big-chested comic strip hero; but it’s probably what George wanted. He wore cape for goodness’ sake. And George loved comics. There’s a touch of Zapp Brannigan and Charlton Heston when he says “Ha, that’s no battle Luke!”
It’d be nice to have a bonus version of the film with these scenes re-instated. But George Lucas feels differently. With some justification. It’s quite reasonable that he should leave out scenes that, in his opinion as writer/director, didn’t work. It’s a normal part of the creative process.
But for me, I’d like to see the one definitive, restored, original Theatrical version—that we all loved—and one bonus version with the restored scenes please! I asked Garrick himself what he thought of the idea and not surprisingly, he’s all for it. I’d be happy if it was even just re-instated for his sake. He’s been a great ambassador for Star Wars.
I’m happy for him that he did get into the Rebel Hangar scenes in the Special Edition.
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Art & Text Sources
MARVEL adaptation [British edition March 1978],
Novelisation 1977
Radio Drama 1981“(…) that’s no battle Luke.” [Instead of “no battle hotshot“]
Wide shot of Luke Skywalker roaring into Anchorhead in his landspeeder and almost running an old lady down. (It's copied from Howard Chaykin's MARVEL version)
It bears an autograph by actor Garrick Hagon: Garrick Hagon 'Biggs'
A medium wide-shot through the doorway of the bar. Luke is at the doorway looking excited. "Hey everybody, there's a battle-- BIGGS!" He sees his best friend has returned.
"Hi Luke" says Biggs, with a wave.
Luke's friend, Tank (?), glances sideways at them and pours his drink over his own face with a belch "BLARP!"
Beside him, Fixer and Camie are kissing, red love-hearts rising from them.
Close-up on Biggs. "First mate Biggs Darklighter of the Rand Ecliptic—at your service!" he announces.
Two-shot of Fixer and Camie kissing. "The reunion of the two kid shooting stars—I'm so glad—" but interrupts himself by kissing Camie again. "Easy Fix!" she says.
The gang go outside and Biggs is looking up at the sky through Luke's macrobinoculars.
"Well—whaddya think Biggs? Huh?" asks Luke.
Biggs adjusts the Macrobinoculars and replies, "Well... I'm afaris that's no battle Luke—probably two freighters re-fuelling."
Camie grimaces in disgust.
(From the Old Site)
John G. Said:
Are Biggs and and Luke kissing? I guess they are supposed to be hugging, or were you going in a new direction?
(From the Old Site)
Hiya John G,
Good God, yes, it does look like that doesn’t it?
It looks as though a male character possibly named ‘Fix’ is kissing one of the women as she’s in mid-sentence. I’m guessing this came from the novel: guessing because the last time I read it, was probably in 1979 or something! In the panel above you’ll see the laughable use of lovehearts! It’s extraordinary how little effort was put into that page!
Whatever happened to that actor? Well, I’m off to Google to find out!
(UPDATE: I subsequently showed this to Garrick Hagon in person, and he thought it was very funny!)
(From the Old Site)
Garrick Hagon is his name, which ironically, sounds like a Star Wars character. You won’t recognise him from the shot above.
What’s extraordinary, is that he occasionally stars in The Archers! A BBC Radio soap that’s been running for 50 odd years. I hear it all the time in our kitchen whilst cooking etc.
If he has kids, I’d love to know what they think of his little role in the most popular film of all time.
Just looking at that again: in the bottom left panel, Luke looks like he’s in shock after Biggs’ big wet kiss.
I just hope one of their names is Biggs
One of his kids? Wouldn’t that be nice!
I love this page! “Damn youngsters!” “Blarp – gluk – oop” “Glumph!” Cracks me up.
LOL! Leanne pointed and shouted at the screen when she saw this. “Are they kissing!?!” Of course, she thought that Fixer and Camie were actually Biggs and Luke making out. I knew who it was as I’ve been familiar with the scene for a while, having entertained the idea of doing a BMS spinoff called “Darklighter Ranch” all about Biggs and his adventures with the Anchorhead teens. But as soon as she pointed it out, I burst out laughing because it does look like it. Then I saw John G.’s comment and realized it wasn’t just us! I so wish our BMS Biggs had done this to Luke now and left him baffled.
Ha ha. Love John G’s mock-serious and tactful “taking the story in a new direction” statement.
Damned youngsters and their ambiguous morals.
When you revist these for the special editions, don’t forget to have Biggs swing in on a rope.
I think Rod covered that one!
Indeed – but there’s always room for more dashing.
Annnnd… derring do!