Art Notes
It’s pretty pedestrian fare today, readers. Artoo’s stroll is about to be interrupted. This comes – I think – from around 1982. It’s the ‘I’m a proper artist’ stuff again – so not very funny!
The big pack of felt-tip pens from Christmas day were being enjoyed on this one. Such a pity the job wasn’t finished! Oh, God is this some sort of life-pattern?
The rock formations are better than the « 1977 ones but still – like everything, they’d really benefit from a little study of actual rocks. Well, I was clueless – no art classes in Irish schools back then unless you were educated by the Christian Brothers or nuns. Art school consisted of comics!
A Jawa stands up – raises his roof-felting blowtorch gun – and his wee friend pulls him back down. Interesting, the final frame is a night sky – with two suns in it.
Blimey! Imagine if we’d got our hands on roof-felting blowtorch guns to play with?
“Look at me – I’m a Jawa! Oops…”
Film Notes

Biro and markers
There’s the ol’ ‘pebbles tossed into shot’ bit « mentioned before KLUNK! POK! Even here, they look as if they’re being tossed!
Next: Artoo gets Zapped!
This is possibly my favourite scene from the movie. Most of the fans I know tend to pick the big iconic moments, but every time I watch this scene, the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and it’s like I’m 3 years old again, sat in the cinema between Mum and Dad, hoping the little robot will be okay…
I love your childhood anecdotes Dan. During these scenes my dad leaned over and whispered “That fella in front is describing what’s happening the blind kid beside him.”
I had to do Latin at the ‘Christian Brothers’. Dominus, domine, dominum, er dominatrix? See! Still really useful…
I wonder if we will ever get to see a Jawa’s face.
Jesus – I hope not!
Ooh! Look at that sunset! I like it! Some real color in the background after the last strip. 🙂 Great work, John!
Ha ha – you’re too kind. To me it looks like a load of mud!
It’s all relative of course: ie; compared to the last strip.